Employee Care
Health & Safety

Health and Safety

Through analysis of management on occupational health and safe production of 2016, we further have determined the Group’s direction for improving occupational health and safety for 2017 based on the previous successful experience, arranged emergency drills for employees, strengthened the promotion of self-help knowledge, provided external training for employees to learn about first-aid knowledge, and established a social responsibility working group to organize annual safety inspections and pre-holiday safety inspections.

We have built a clear organizational structure of safety production management and established a safety management committee. The Group fully applied the “OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System” and “ISO14001 Environmental Management System”. Based on the actual condition of the Group, we have established 29 procedures and management documents in various categories, covering emergency management, fire control management, dangerous goods management, construction management, safety training and safety production inspection, so as to implement safety management in all aspects.

Safety seminars and drills

We have a designated team in charge of the physical and mental health of employees. In 2017, the Group arranged body check for all employees and organised health seminars, occupational safety training and drills from time to time to enhance employees’ awareness of safety responsibility and strengthen workplace safety monitoring.

- In June 2017, the Group commissioned Shenzhen Safety Production Association (深圳市安全生產協會) to conduct special training on occupational health and hazards for our occupational health management personnel through award-winning quizzes, listening tests, live demonstrations and so on. There was high level of participation and the teaching effectiveness was high with an active learning atmosphere.

- In August 2017, the Company invited a senior training instructor to conduct training in respect of self-inspection and prevention of corporate safety hazards. In the random assessment, a pass rate of 100% was achieved. Such training allowed employees to learn about the areas of safety hazards and be aware of daily life safety hazards and preventive measures.

- In October 2017, we invited a fire safety training team to provide professional fire safety training for our employees, so as to enable employees to understand the importance of fire safety and the use of firefighting equipment and preventive with the precautionary approach, and enhance their fire safety awareness. On-the-spot assessments were conducted in a random manner and a pass rate of 100% was achieved.

- In November 2017, the Group organised and arranged a fire drill to enhance employees’ resilience capability in the event of emergency.

Female employees’ rights

With respect to the protection of female employees’ rights, we also comply with the applicable laws and regulations in every country and region to provide our female employees with a maternity leave of at least 128 to 208 days and maternity allowances. In the meantime, we also provide pregnant or breastfeeding female employees with suitable work positions, breaks and pregnancy-friendly facilities. Pregnant employees are entitled to paid maternity leave and lactating mothers are allowed to have 1 hour breast feeding leave per day. These initiatives can allow them to continue to develop their career and professional skills at any time regardless of their physical conditions or family affairs.